Make Peace with Money & Live a More Prosperous Life
✌️ If you are a human who wants much more for your life and/or business but also feels perpetually conflicted and/or guilty and ashamed about that, this is for you.
✌️ If you are a human who wants to prioritize peace and freedom but also wants to have plenty of money to live a freer life, this is for you.
✌️ If you are a human who loves to create, give and share, but has a more difficult time receiving, this is for you.
✌️ If you are a human who wants a greater flow of money without any added fear or stress, this is for you.
✌️ Non-humans are also welcome (though human dollars are required). ;)
How It Works: 11 days, 1 email per day with your workshop videos (10-30 min max), you can watch/listen on your own time and schedule and you can take it self-paced if you like, there's no rush, the videos will be there whenever you're ready. You can submit questions at any time during the workshop via a private questionnaire and I will answer questions periodically.
PREREQUISITES: You know that your reality reflects your beliefs about it, and that your perception of yourself and life shapes your reality and experience of it. You accept responsibility for your choices and reality, and are ready to set yourself free by examining those beliefs with sincerity (in the privacy of your own home/space).
Introvert Friendly Format: There are no social media groups to join, no calls to show up to, and no public or digital place you need to go and share your personal and private deets in front of total strangers. Plus no changing out of your jammies to jump on Zoom. This course is fully self-study and has a much reduced price from it's original q&a call format, you will hear me mention q&a in the videos but it is self study now (original price was $444 with multiple q&a calls, now $97 self-study version)
✅ by purchasing below you agree that you are a self-led individual and the creator of your reality, that your reality reflects your beliefs and perceptions, and you take full responsibility for your choices, results and state of being, and you are open and ready to create your dream business and life from the inside-out by examining those perceptions and beliefs with sincerity, in the privacy of your own home and space.