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There is actually a pretty magical story about where the name The Az came from, have you heard it? ✨ many of you may have read it on the page but I’ve included a few more of the details of the story below…
So the name ‘The Az’ comes courtesy of my beloved husband Kenny (pictured with me above), who as a very small child had a relationship to a group of creatures that lived in the bushes outside his house and then later moved in behind the buttons on their couch.
Him and his sister would be careful not to disturb the Az, but watched them and made up stories about them. He told me about this many, many years ago when we first met at 17, but he never explained to me what they looked like to him in his imagination, he just told me their name. Cut to 28 years later…
When I started this series I didn’t know yet what it was about exactly, I was following the muse and inspiration, all I knew was it was about LOVING THE UNLOVEABLE within us, the parts we have been taught aren’t lovable and turning that around, I also knew it was about reclamation of wonder and magic… but that’s all I knew.
As I got further into its development it informed me it wanted to be called “The Az” and I replied, “No, I can’t, that’s Kenny’s childhood thing, I can’t use that.” and dropped it. But they kept insisting that was their name and would not leave it alone, lol …
So I decided to finally just ask Kenny what the Az looked like to him, and he proceeded to EXACTLY DESCRIBE many of the different primary characteristics of my series which I’d already created without ever hearing this from him (to a T!!) 🤯🤯🤯 I could not believe it! But promptly knew that they weren’t messing around when they insisted that was their name. 🥹 ✨
Then Kenny called his sister because they had never discussed what the Az looked like between eachother even when they were little! Not once! And she proceeded to describe them the same way too!! ✨
They actually had BOTH pictured them looking what they determined to be somewhat like Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mr. Rogers, and when I looked up her up (because I didn’t remember her) it said, and I quote:
“Lady Elaine lives in the Museum-Go-Round. She’s opinionated, eccentric and often stirs up trouble, but she is also the one who stands up to King Friday XIII’s unreasonable demands. She sometimes worries that she isn’t lovable, and needs to be reassured that people like her just the way she is.
Her Museum-Go-Round, is a Merry-Go-Round kind of place where she is the curator of all kinds of things, real and magical – “from dinosaurs and bones to antique telephones.” Things from A to Z (I kid you not it said things from A to Z – The Az!!!! mind blown🤯🤯🤯) Lady Elaine can also perform magic of her own – after all, this is the Neighborhood of Make-Believe! She waves her magic boomerang, saying “boomerang-schmoomerang-toomerang!” and creates havoc by literally turning things upside-down.”
I was FLOORED. 😳 I had had a dream and vision of a merry go round weeks prior and didn’t know what it was about either, but knew it was important somehow, and the description above could not have better described what was coming through to me from these beings (and also match myself and how I am to a T! turning things upside down and making magic and rebelling against unreasonable demands 😂🤣 )
The characters have come a long way since then obviously and range the gamut now, but the first one I created matched Kenny and his sisters shared but unspoken vision in a crazy similar way! It all clicked into place.
What is even MORE magical about this whole thing though, is how years ago I wrote on my manifest list that me and Kenny would create something together one day, not even as a manifestation actually it felt like more of just a plain knowing that that was going to happen somehow in some way but I had no idea how because we are quite different in our interests…
and then suddenly BOOM, here it is already done in front of my face!!! 😂
That is SO often how manifestations show up, and it never ceases to blow my mind. They’re not there, and then they’re there! Right in front of you, like they were there all along. 😭 Cause they were. 🥹
I will never get over it. 🥹❤️💞💞
If your world does not feel magical, I understand completely, and I am here to remind you that it CAN. You just have to decide to look for it. 💞 It wants you to find it, so it can find you back. 🥹 ✨
You can find out more about The Az and join below 👇 ✨
And if you are a creative in business and want to sell work with more ease and joy, my NEW Introvert Star Workshop releases TODAY! You can get it and watch anytime.