Everybody loves Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll’s mad-beautiful tale of one young girl’s trip down into the under-world, through the looking glass—and back again. The reason it is so beloved by people of every age, race, creed, and religion is because of its poignant reflection of the inner-journey, the process and unfolding of self-discovery. Not everyone knows this; some just know that the story enchants them, and that it’s full of imagination and wonder. Whatever your take is on the story, if you’re reading this…chances are you’re a fan. Chances are that this story has called to you at various points in your life, and that it still calls to you, and that is not coincidental…for there are pieces of yourself still hidden in this story, and Alice’s journey…is your own. It is with this in mind that I invite you on this journey with me—to walk your path through Wonderland, to walk fearlessly through every reflection that appears in the looking glass of life, and to reclaim your inner-Alice.

SUNNI CHAPMAN is a writer, art director, consultant, mindset mentor and entrepreneur. Her creative interests are kaleidoscopic in nature, and as difficult to pin down as a fish in slick water. She lives for the deep dives that pull out the jewels, and has been known to indulge in mad tea parties. She writes and teaches about all of this and more in her books and courses at: sunnichapman.com