February 19, 2023

You Don’t Need Control

Night sky full of starts and text over it: You Don't Need Control

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You don’t need control.
You don’t even want it.
The only reason part of you wants it
is because you’re scared.
But really you don’t actually want it
because it’s WAY too much responsibility!
What you really want is to know you’ll be okay.
That’s why you want control.
And you can give yourself that
right now.
By finding where you’re okay
in this moment.
By finding the places where you’ve been okay,
even when you really thought you weren’t.
By finding the places you are held,
even when you don’t FEEL held.
By seeing what WAS there,
when you were hurting about
what WASN’T.

You don’t have to “be grateful” for it,
it’s enough just to NOTICE.
The noticing is a marked shift in attention.
It changes the direction of your flow.
Control is a closed heart.
Choice is an open one.
You don’t have to make things happen.
opens the door.
And your TRUST in that
choice walks you
through it.
👋  Hi! Before you go… Have you subscribed to my new Podcast yet? It’s live on Apple Podcasts and Spotify right now and called Creator. Created. Creating. Short & sweet mindset shifts for intentional life creation. Have a peek, share with your fellow creators, and I’d super love it if you left me a review!
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