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Your doing is not greater than your being.
Your doing is not greater than your being.
Your doing is not greater than your being.
Your being is greater than your doing.
When you realize this you restore the original order of things.
You begin to walk on sacred ground.
And all of your doing becomes harmonized.
Your doing becomes harmonized with your being.
Which is as it is meant to be.
Being OUT of harmony with our being was also meant to be.
How do I know?
Because it was.
Because it is.
And that’s okay. It is part of our journey.
It’s part of our journey to find what works.
But when something works outwardly,
but hurts inwardly,
it is not stable.
And what is not stable cannot be
So we come back to the stability within.
Again and again.
My calling is to help you align your doing
with your BEING…
by helping you love your being
through and through.
Because, beloved, your BEING
knows the way.
Need some support? Here’s my current offerings: