September 8, 2024

The Thing You Want To Believe In Is YOU

The Thing You Want To Believe In Is YOU

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How many times do you have to see yourself be right about something that you KNEW all along, and KNEW you could trust yourself on, and KNEW was going to happen for you… before you trust yourself and believe yourself, and the things you know, and say you’re going to do?
How many times do you have to witness yourself make utter magic and then look back with hindsight and say “I did it. I knew I could,  I knew I could trust myself,” 🥹 😭  before you finally believe yourself and trust that part of you that knows??
And how many times do you have to see yourself APPEAR to be wrong for a time, and then later realize it STILL turned out so beautifully, and became even MORE of what you wanted, before you believe that even when you look wrong about something it always turns out RIGHT, with just a little more time and clarity??
There may be an anger in you that is resentful of the way you do not listen to yourself, and trust yourself on things, even after all that part of you has done for you, and shown you in the past. 
How you still doubt it, and dismiss it, and yourself, and you may see the evidence of that reflected in others doubt and dismissal of you. Which probably makes you even more angry and also hurt and sad, but that anger and sadness isn’t really about them at all, it’s just that part of you is asking you to listen to it, to respect it, to believe it and honor it, and you just haven’t done that yet, that’s all. You do do it! But then you don’t do it. lol
The reason you haven’t done that is not some kind of flaw with you, the reason you haven’t done it is probably because you’re just trying to protect yourself, using “openness to all possibilities” as a  safeguard of sorts.
Because if you stay open, and don’t fully claim what you know to be true for you, then you won’t have to ever be “wrong” or disappointed or let down or look or feel stupid. Meanwhile you’re already feeling all of those things and not escaping any of them. lol 😆
It’s not a super efficient strategy, but it WORKED at one time in your life, like perhaps when you were a child, or perhaps when you couldn’t handle disappointment at ALL, or when you truly believed you’d never recover if you looked wrong or stupid to yourself or someone else. When that was TOO big of a threat.
But that’s not true anymore. You can handle that just fine, you’ve seen yourself do it many times. And it only brings you closer to yourself and everything you want, every time!
Having expectations isn’t the enemy. Believing you cannot deal with let down is the “enemy”, and it’s not an enemy either, it’s just a confused and hurt child in you that needs to be reminded that everything that looks wrong eventually turns right, and everything that looks right will eventually look wrong, and then turn back to right, and back and forth and so on and so forth, lol … given enough time and perspective shifts on it. 
So it’s OKAY to let yourself believe you and trust you and go ahead with your life and business as if you DO. Knowing that whatever happens, you got you. Life’s got you. Universe, source, god, (insert your words of choice) has got you.
There’s a lot of things you want to believe in, and that you attempt to wire yourself to believe in, but the thing that you MOST want to believe in is YOU. And the person you MOST want to BELIEVE, period, is you. To believe how you feel, to believe what you see, what you think, even in the moment, even if it changes, who cares! If it’s true for you in the moment, it’s enough. Can that be enough?
And what would it cost you to believe you, fully, no matter WHAT happens? And what would it cost you not to?? And what would it PAY you to believe you fully? And what would it pay you not to? (because there are benefits you’re getting there too). 
So explore those questions this week if you like, and if you would like some more support in that direction, you know where to find me »
What I’m excited about this week: ✨ The Estuary (so many juicy nuggets coming out of that exploration for your creative businesses, OMGEEE, those of you in there stay tuned for a Q&A video coming soon!), Stability & Plenty (if you want to hear me yack about abundance creation and get a short but powerful practice to set in motion), Reclamation Of Fire 🤫 To Be Announced! Top Secret! 🤐 😍 🐉 🔥 I’m working on her now and you guyyyyzzzzzzz. Cannot WAIT. I expect an early fall release date.
