October 6, 2024

What I Mean By: Make More, Doing Less, Being YOU

What I Mean By: Make More, Doing Less, Being YOU

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Today I thought I’d revisit my tagline to break down what this means to ME (and always has), so you can decide what it is that it means to YOU.
I’m going to break it down in 3 parts:
Make More: to me this means make more of what you love – so that could mean make more art, make more impact, more creations, more money, more for your family, more inspiration…  make more of the things you enjoy and that support you, and give you life! 

It could be any of these things, and for me personally it is ALL OF THESE THINGS and more.  And not only that, but I notice the more of one of these things there is, the more of all of them there are, they feed and nourish each other, the creativity makes more money, the money makes more creativity, more impact, more to enjoy, round and round they feed into each other. But not without the choice to move towards joy first! Because we all know money doesn’t automatically come with more joy, that is a decision and an aim that has been brought into my life and work with intention and devotion.
Doing Less: to me this means doing less of what you do not love, and more of what you do love. Because the only reason anyone wants to do less, is so they can do things they love! Nobody actually just wants to sit there for long, that would be so boring, 😂, once you’re rested and restored (which you absolutely need!) you want to put all that revitalized energy into something you are passionate about, something you care about, you want to do MORE of what is MEANINGFUL TO YOU.
So when I say ‘doing less’ it means re-directing your energy from where you may be pouring into things that are not aligned with your passions, because your passions always ENERGIZE you. Not drain you. Your passions are things nobody could stop you from doing if they tried! 
No motivation is needed, no get-up-and-go is needed for those areas, but often times we’re so bogged down in things that don’t align with what we really care about out of “should’s” and other peoples motives and directions, that we cannot even see or feel what those passions are anymore. And all my work is to help you LIGHT THOSE AREAS UP.  😍 ✨
For me this was a progression, at first I just plain old needed to DO LESS, to delegate some things personally and professionally and to create some quality time wherever I could or had ability to do so, so that I had some SPACIOUSNESS and rested-ness enough to begin to hear myself again. Once that was there, that energy naturally sprung up in that space and it KNEW WHAT TO DO. lol It had a mission, and it sprung into creative activity that has continued to unfold in increasingly beautiful ways.
Being YOU:  to me this is the Queen-pin of the whole sentence, and without that, the whole thing’s a deal breaker. lol 😆 Because if you don’t just get to be YOURSELF and live the life you love the WAY that YOU in particular love to live, then it’s just another exhausting thing you have to keep up. And nobody wants more of that. If you cannot be YOU in what you aim to create or do, it is not sustainable, and it just feels WAY harder than it needs to to boot. And you won’t let yourself do it! Because you want to feel like you. That’s why I am bound and determined with a fiery ferocity to help myself and others align their life and business to WHO THEY ARE, so that it feels like an effortless extension of their being.
So that it feels like something you couldn’t stop yourself from doing if you tried. So that it feels like absolutely no motivation is needed, it is a well of inspiration that you were born with that never stops. It just rests sometimes, it goes quiet and inward sometimes to restore itself, but it is an infinite fountain just waiting to be fully tapped and released.
Now that does not mean there is not challenges and frustrations and all the array of emotional colors in our life palette included, it just means that every bit of that is just more fuel for the sparkling flame that is your life, they all simply add to the beautiful expression that is YOU and your work in the world, each one bearing a gift of understanding, growth and even MORE joy to be had and felt on the other side of that.
So that’s what Make More, Doing Less, Being YOU means to me, what does it mean to you?
And as always, if you’d like some help making more, doing less, being you, I have a library of beauties that will help you do that. My Guided Oracle Journeys are designed to build support into your daily life in 2-3 minute increments that remind you of the things we know, but too often forget in our daily lives. They are a ray of loving light and support you don’t have to work with, for, or around, just receive and be reminded of your truths.
My courses are where we get into the meat of who you are, what you want, and what you want to do next and how to best support yourself and your vision – they are for when you are ready to create movement and momentum in your life and business. They will help you gain great clarity which will birth naturally inspired actions – those kinds of inspired actions you just naturally take off with, because that’s what your own innate wisdom and knowing’s always do! So my courses are just about making space to be in conversation with that part of you in new ways and from new angles.
You can explore via my curio cabinet of creations below or right here » ❤️
