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Lately, I’ve been noticing a lot of fear, discomfort, and pressure—within clients, friends, family, and, of course, myself. Because as we know, if I’m seeing it everywhere, it’s also moving through me.
And that makes sense because there’s a collective tension around rising costs, financial uncertainty, and all of the pressure that comes with it. The conversation is essentially: “Prices keep going up and up. How are we supposed to keep up?”
But here’s the thing—this isn’t really about money.
What’s Beneath The Fear…
Money is just a stand in for something deeper. It’s the cloak that that something deeper is wearing. And in this case, that “something” is PRESSURE—the pressure to survive, to keep up with the joneses, or to control what feels uncontrollable.
THAT is the thing you’re really meeting in those moments. THAT is the thing you’re really feeling.
If you feel like everything is increasing except what’s coming in, or what’s coming in isn’t increasing fast enough to keep up, it’s totally natural to feel overwhelmed. But instead of trying to force a change in the external world (which we can’t control), the real shift happens when we change how we MEET these moments. That is where your power is.
As the rest of the world goes about its business of forcibly trying to control and manipulate externals in order to keep up, you get to choose who you are going to BE in response to this pressure, and how you do that changes everything.
How Are You Meeting The Pressure?
So I’d love for you to take a deep breath with me right now, breathe deep and low into your belly as you can go and exhale nice and slowwwww…Now take another… One more… Okay…
Now, check in with yourself:
- When you see costs of life and business rising, how do you feel?
- What emotions come up? Powerlessness? Overwhelm? Stress?
- What story are you telling yourself about what this means?
Write it down. Get it all out.
And then ask yourself:
- Who do I want to be in response to this?
- How do I want to feel?
- What would make that possible for me?
This isn’t about changing the cost of eggs, gas, or rent. It’s about reclaiming your power from a system that tells you you’re at its mercy.
The Truth That Changes Everything…
is that you don’t need external permission to feel safe, abundant, or at ease. You don’t need the world to shift first in order to know your power.
And you certainly don’t need to live at the mercy of a constant chase or fight with the world and what is.
You are not powerless here, though it sometimes may feel like that. And that is what you MOST want to remember in this moment. You are wanting to feel and know your own power to create a result and reality that is totally different than the ‘norm’.
When you shift how you meet pressure—when you stop giving money the role of the “decider” of your life experience—you remember that the real power has always been YOU. And that is the gift and treasure of your life! And if you’re reading this you’re someone who values that MOST of all.
This isn’t about pretending circumstances don’t exist. It’s about meeting them differently, so they stop feeling like they own you. It’s about being yourself in the face of extreme pressure to be someone or something else.
And when that shift happens—your relationship with everything, money included—begins to shift in its wake.
So Try Playing With This…
If financial fear has been gripping you and driving your decisions in life and business lately, let this be your invitation to pause, breathe, and explore what’s really going on underneath that. Because the more you practice meeting pressure with your power, the more you realize:
You were never actually trapped in the first place. And you’ve always been free to think and move a whole new way. The ruby slippers were on your feet, all along. 😉 lol
Big love sweet pea’s,