I created this because * I NEED IT *.
These last two years have been intense.
So much change, so fast.
I remembered that after the first initial shock of the Pandemic, I entered a more deeply peaceful and joyful state of being than I can remember feeling in a very long time.
I know this was not the case for many people and I have the utmost sensitivity to that, but I realize now, that for me, that was because all the controls were taken away, the pause button was pushed, and suddenly ALL the various pressures were taken off because there was nothing anyone could do.
I was forced into a state of deep rest, and a deeper sense of trust, and given time to explore what felt good to me.
It was like a giant permission slip to just be me. To slow down. To relax. A pace of life I LOVE but struggle to allow myself sometimes in this uber-fast-paced culture.
It was such a strange juxtaposition to feel so calm and grateful for this spaciousness (after a period of major freak-out at first, don’t get me wrong!), while the whole world was having a very different reaction. Again, rightfully so.
But despite my own huge losses at that time, I came to a deeper sense of peace and trust in myself and in life, and I felt FED, in all the ways.
When the world opened back up again and my book launched I felt that river of life start rushing again. And very quickly I let all of those things that fed my heart and soul wash away in the current, and that old familiar pressure and overwhelm snuck in the back door like a strangling fog.
There are deeper reasons for that of course (which I’m working through – always), but also because now that the TASTE of the greater permission slip had been given, I needed to learn to give it to myself – in new ways.
By all accounts, I was already pretty good at living a free lifestyle, full of the things I loved most. But as I was traversing great change and a new direction in my life—it brought up my old demons for review. 😳😅😂
So I wanted to create a new space where we can give ourselves that permission. Where we can slow down and find what feels good and what makes us most naturally happy and content.
Most of the time we are taught that to do that you have to forget about or let go of your dreams, but not here! Here we are taking our dreams with us. But we’ll be learning the art and ritual of active surrender, and taking the weight of the “controls” off our backs, and off our plates.
I’m still creating it, because I want to take myself through it before I invite you in, which is why we’re going to start in late July. We’re going to take a deep dive into simple joys and sweetness, and we’re going to discover the power of delight.
The difference between ‘rest’ and ‘deep rest’ is simple: one rests your body, and the other rests you in your center, heart & soul. That is what active surrender is – it is the art of resting your being, while connecting-with and listening-to the spirit within… and taking action only on what feels delicious.
I have felt the call to deep rest, and I am heeding the call. If you feel that call too, if you’ve been sensing you’re in need of it, I’d love you to join me.
You do not need to have a business to join me for this, it’s for ANYONE who wants to play with more beauty & delight in their lives. Introducing…
Deep Rest To Manifest:
a 6 week email course for introverts