April 24, 2022

Freedom With Money

Cactus leaves in the background and text over: Freedom with money

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{The below was a post I wrote on Facebook awhile back, but it bears repeating—this is our deep freedom work, and it is ongoing! And if you aren’t following me on Facebook yet, come on over » 🤗🥰💖 }


If you’re waiting for money (or other people) to give you a choice(s), or to validate your choice(s), you’ll be waiting forever. You have to choose first.


You have to choose before you know how to bridge the gap. That’s the only way to truly take back your power, the power we’ve been slowly and systematically trained to give away to money, to people, and to systems, all our lives.


Because even if you got all the money to justify your choices, it would still be the money telling you what you can or cannot do, be, or have… instead of YOU telling you what you can do, be, or have.


I have always lived this way, I now realize, way before I knew it was a thing. I would intuitively and instinctually choose what I wanted and what direction I wanted to go, before I had “any right to”, before I knew how to get there, before I knew how to bridge that gap. But because I dared to choose anyway, that bridge was always built.


It was and is a masterclass in TRUST.
Trusting myself. Trusting Life.


Sometimes the bridge construction took way longer than I wanted 😂😆, and sometimes it went to a slightly different shore than I’d originally planned or intended, but I always met the essence of my choice on the other side every time…


plus a slew of deep gifts from the process that I didn’t have any idea I needed at the time, but was so freaking grateful for on the other side of any wobbly crossings that I had to undergo.


This is the essence of chapter 10 in my book: The Freer You Are, The Richer You Are. It is an ONGOING journey unlearning the opposite mindset that’s been drilled into us all: the richer you are, the freer you are. But it just gets sweeter and sweeter the more you lean into it, it is the future and the freedom for us all. 💗✨


This is true sovereignty of the heart and soul.


It doesn’t mean we stop making choices within our current  limitations, it just means those aren’t the ONLY choices we make. It means we ALSO make choices to move outside those limitations, and create new “normals” for ourselves and for our world.


So how can you honor your choices today? Maybe ones you’ve even been beating yourself up for?  Maybe ones you haven’t properly honored for getting you where you are?


Take a moment and do that.
Honor your choices.


And then make some new ones! Whether money, or other people, or anyone, or anything else in the whole world says you “can” do, be, or have that or not. Write it down. Let it simmer. See what comes up.




And if you’d like some help getting through, I’m your girl: ✨

🎉✨ Buy my book Rich In Love: 10 Powerful Mindset Shifts To A More Abundant Life In Every Way »
🎉✨ Join my full Feast or Famine No More Course

