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Is this the right move?
What if it’s the wrong move?
Should I do this or do that?
Is this the right path?
The right move for me??
These are the questions we ask ourselves as humans, we ask them, and we ask them again, and again, and again, and even when we decide we STILL ask them, and second guess ourselves and judge our moves based on their results or the lack of them, and on and on it goes.
But animals don’t ask themselves if it’s the right move… they just move.
And whatever the result is, whether it is what they wanted or not, they move again. They continually move toward what they want. Until they literally can’t anymore. There is no second guessing of this, they may hesitate or wait for a better moment but soon enough, and usually pretty quickly, they move towards what they want. Always.
They do not wonder if they deserve what they want, they do not question it, they do not doubt it, they just move towards it as and when they can. Until they can’t move anymore, and then they pass on. To make moves in another life and timeline perhaps. 😉
And humans are really the same, except of course we THINK about it a lot more. 😂 😆 But eventually, we always still move on what we want. ALWAYS. We are ALWAYS moving toward what we most want…
And if there’s things we’re not moving towards it’s because we want other things MORE, and sometimes that can be the uncomfortable thing, we want the pain more sometimes, but that’s for another blog post. lol 😆
But it’s by DESIGN, life made it built in that you have things that call you and those things keep calling you and are impossible to ignore. They keep you moving and thus creating new experience that all goes back into the cosmic web as priceless jewels of information that inform and expand all of life and your own soul’s journey.
Whether you’re a wolf in the woods, an elephant on a tundra, an owl in the pines or a human chasing a dream, we all are moving towards what we want. And those moves create our life.
So… rather than ask yourself if the move you want to make is the right one, ask yourself if the move you want to make is a move towards what you want? Is it? Is it a move in the general DIRECTION of what you want?? Cause if it is, it’s the right move! And that’s all you need to know.
Any move in the direction of what you desire is the RIGHT move. Becuase you’re moving towards what you want.
Will it work out? who knows?! Will it produce the immediate result you wanted? Who knows?! But as long as it was a move towards what you WANT, you’re on your way. No matter what happens with one particular decision or one step, you are moving towards what you want and that always results in getting you to where you want eventually.
People usually say at this point “oh no you don’t! people die with dreams unfulfilled all the time!” – well my view on that is that death is just another doorway, and it’s a judgement to say that that is where that journey ended, when that was just another turn in that souls path.
But let’s stick to life here on earth cause that’s where we are currently…
moving towards what you want in your life is like driving to the mountains. You can see the mountains far before you arrive there, and as long as you’re moving in the direction of them, you’ll get there.
Could you go down a road that dead ends? Maybe. Could you drive a path that accidentally takes twice as long? Maybe. Could you follow one persons directions and find out they were totally wrong? Maybe. Could you follow your own intuition and find out you were wrong? Maybe. But either way, as long as you’re still making moves towards the mountain, then you are GOING to where you want to go.
And you’re going to have an amazing journey on the way! (IF you choose to see it that way, there’s multiple ways to see the journey of life, and that affects your entire journey, but if you’re here you already know that so I don’t need to go into that lol)
OR… you could sit at home and debate about possible routes forward and eliminate all possibility of wrong term until the end of time. And that would be okay too, it would be a life of talking about going to the mountains, and perhaps through the next life’s doorway you would drive right to them straight away, who knows!?
If you’re not ready to go to the mountains (i.e. what you want) then maybe you could read a book or take a class about mountains, or watch some inspiring mountain documentaries, or listen to a podcast about mountains. lol
That is how we begin to move toward what we want. Those are the kinds of moves I made when I first started moving towards the mountains I have now arrived at in my life and business, and now of course I’ve got my eye on new mountains! 🏔️
Cause that’s the whole fun of life. Sometimes it’s a slow drive through the valley, stopping for snacks and for a nap in a quiet shady spot. And sometimes it’s a full speed ahead can’t wait to get there adrenaline show. 😂 Everything has its time and place.
The artist Aurora has a line from one of her songs that perfectly encapsulates this… “I’m in love with the hunt itself… it makes me feel alive.”
Life/god/universe/source designed this love of the chase and this hunger for different, more, better within us, it is how creation creates. Does it get out of balance? Of course it does. Does it go back into balance? of course it does. Does it go back out of balance? of course it does.
There is no real or permanent balance, there are always all extremes in existence, and there is different things, people, animals, elements and events in different places on that spectrum between those extremes at all times. And some would say an overall balance is made out of that whole. I would say it depends on what your definition of balance is, but that is an existential deep dive for another time. lol 😆
So… what moves can you make today or this week that are moving in the direction that you want to go? And how can you CELEBRATE yourself for choosing to go in that direction as the RIGHT MOVE?? Not WHAT the move is, but just the decision to continue to move in the direction of your desire itself, because that is all I have ever done to get to where I am and to have created what I have created.
And I can always use the reminder that that is all it’s going to take to get to those next places I want to go.❤️
No matter how many different mountains I’ve been to and doubted I’d ever get to, I’m always doubting I can get to the next one, but I realize that’s the love of the chase, I enjoy that, that’s what I love, I love life and I love the act of intentional creation of what calls to my heart and soul and I TRUST that completely (even when I don’t) lol 😂 😆
And if love that too, and want to do more of that too, you can explore all of my creations and just see what resonates with you most right here » and I’m still very excited about Reclamation of Fire this month and also Moth & Moon for this transformative season for daily support and reminders of your power, love and trust. ❤️
Okay, see you next week sweet pea’s.