You know what you’re doing, angel.
And you’ll let yourself do more of it when
you let yourself prioritize what
matters to you most.
And let yourself find out
what that actually is,
as if you’re meeting yourself today
for the very first time.
And ohhh
how I know your love
to meet yourself.
Happy Sunday, Loves.
I had a previously scheduled blog post that didn’t feel quite right for today, so I asked my creations what they wanted to say and share with you today and this was it. The above message is shared with you from The Az Guided Oracle Journey(if you are not a member of The Az, you can join here).
I have discovered that for me, ease is the result of prioritizing what is most important to me. So that my energy is in harmony and I am at peace with myself. That is often not what I THINK should be most important to me, or what other people or society thinks should be most important to me, but what actually matters to me.
Ease for each person is different, and looks different, and moreover, ease is a FEELING, not an external situation or circumstance.
You can know that that is true because you could have the most easeful situation in the world or be in the most beautiful and peaceful place, and still be a total stress ball inside.
Ease isn’t the absence of challenge, it is alignment with the things you value most, which simply means that all your energy is flowing in the direction of what truly matters to you.
Inner conflict and confusion arises when we think we should be prioritizing things or have been trained to prioritize things that are actually lower down on the list of what’s important to us.
Because it’s sending all our energy in one direction, while the other part of us is sending it in another. So you’re split in two. This usually results in you listening to others over your own inner guidance or values, or following their values instead of yours and then feeling lost and disconnected from yourself and what you’re doing.
When I am in that mess what helps me most is to:
1) remember that I cannot possibly get it wrong, either way I am going to learn something valuable about myself and the way I want to go next, there’s no loss, just more information to glean about who I am and what I want to create more of in the world, and
2) to let my life reveal what matters to me most right now, instead of asking my mind to do it. Meaning look at my life and see where I am ACTUALLY spending all my time and resources without being asked to or forced to, the places my energy, time and resources are going to right now, because that will often reveal something very different than what my mind says.
When I look at my life and the thing I do naturally without motivation needed to drive me, day in and day out, for the entirety of my life (throughout any and all family and relationships I have had throughout my life) is that I am always finding and sharing inspiration. I am always looking to be inspired, and to inspire. To spark that love, joy and wonder I so cherish, both in myself and in others.
That is the very core of it, and that feeling always comes from my center, from my connection with source and all that is, and so that is what matters to me most, because if I do not have that, I am a husk of myself and am really no good to anyone else anyway.
Throughout my life, my life reveals that I have spent my money on this and my time on this and my energy on this more than anything. I have done that through travel, through art, through writing, through creating, through music, through business, through conversations, through relationships, through EVERYTHING. It is the one constant.
So when I remember that, and allow myself to prioritize that, things move, I find the support I need, and all my OTHER top priorities are assisted and supported by me with far greater ease and much more love and peace.
So what does your life reveal matters to you most?
And don’t worry, you can’t get it wrong. You can only learn more about you, and refine your life and work to more and more match WHO YOU ARE, until they are inseparable and your literal dream come true.
And don’t worry, you can’t get it wrong. You can only learn more about you, and refine your life and work to more and more match WHO YOU ARE, until they are inseparable and your literal dream come true.
❤️ 💖 💞
And as always, if you need help with that, feel free to reply and tell me where you’re at right now and ask me what creation of mine might be best for you right now, I’ll be happy to give you recommendations based on your unique situation, otherwise just feel for what resonates most.