September 29, 2024

Selling Your Work Your Own Way

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Let me ask you a question, when you see a post or an email from someone offering their services or products, and it is laden with photos of people with their heads thrown back in laughter and big promises of what looks and sounds like a perfect life… how does your body respond to that?
Or maybe it’s more of a flavor of peace, where the photos are of people looking totally serene, and very spiritual and centered, and promises of perfect inner peace… how does your body respond to that?
Perhaps it’s a mixture of feelings, that feels like something you can’t quite name… but if you had to name it, the name would probably be: CONFLICT. Inner conflict.
You are conflicted inside because within this there is something you want (peace, joy, abundance, and a wonderful better life) and also there’s something you DON’T want. At the same time. And maybe even something you don’t think you SHOULD want, or even believe in.
And so your insides have just gone into a frenetic battle over what you’re seeing, but you don’t know this is happening, you just feel this low lying irk.
Wanting happiness and joy is a natural thing, wanting abundance and safety and security are also natural. They are beautiful, good, wonderful things to want, you are supposed to want them, that is how we continue to survive, thrive, and evolve as physical beings on this planet, that drive is VITAL and essential within all life on the planet. It is not wrong or stupid or foolish in any way to pursue those things, in fact it is the very wisdom of life itself.
But you also see something you DON’T want there.
Perhaps it’s inauthentic expression you don’t want, because while it may be authentic for them/that person to be living in that much apparent non-stop bliss, it is certainly not currently authentic for YOU to feel that way constantly, and the truth always feels better than trying to squeeze yourself into what would be a lie for you in the present moment. It’s not that more joy and bliss cannot come to you, but it always feels better to start with what’s true for you right now, and move from there towards what you want more of at a pace that feels natural and good to you.
Or maybe it’s the need to convince others that you or your work is perfect in order for it to sell that you don’t want. Maybe you don’t want that facade or the pressure that comes with it to be able to sell your work. And again, it may not be a facade for the other person, but if you’re like me, you know damn well you’re not perfect and your life isn’t some image of perfection, it’s more like a beautiful but also messy soup of things that ARE indeed getting better all the time, but that is also always a work in progress, with plenty of ups and downs and ins and outs and challenges along the way to keep it interesting and with a certain depth and range that you enjoy.
And maybe you’re super aware that the solutions to our challenges are never one thing, one way, one fix. But the result of many millions of parts moving, and the choices you are making all the time. They are not ‘just this’ or ‘just that’, they are a myriad of things mashed together that somehow bring new beauty (and also some pain) into your life. So you don’t want to present yourself or your work in a way that would propose to be all that. And you know, deep down, that you don’t need to. Because YOUR people came for the full ride too.
Or maybe it’s that you have realized you just plain old don’t even want that much constant head thrown back in laughter happiness. That you actually enjoy the depth and breadth and range of the symphony of human emotions, and you love a good plot twist and turn in the script and all the richness that comes with it. That the flavor of life you’d prefer would be more like an easeful joy with a focus on trust in the benevolence of life/god/source/universe, and a deep knowing things are always getting better, while you pursue the things you love.
Or maybe it’s something else entirely, something for you to explore more and let it inform you of what you truly want for your life and what’s important to you. Because one persons heaven is another persons hell, we all have different and unique preferences and desires for the way we wish to feel and experience our lives. And honoring your own is how you create cohesion with yourself, and cohesion with yourself = flow.
You do not have to sell your work how other people sell their work. You can truly do it any way you like, what matters is that you believe in it, and that you feel good about it, and that you still feel like YOU. Because if you don’t feel like you when you’re doing it, you’re not going to let yourself do more of it, because you love you and you care about how you feel and that you feel like yourself.
And as always, if you need help getting clarity on what feels best to you and what feels most like you and being able to sell your work and still feel like yourself, pretty much all of my work will help you tune into that, but the thing I am most excited about at the moment for that is The Estuary. She’s a beauty, I love her so much, and I highly recommend her if it calls.
See you next week sweet pea’s ❤️
