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I recently decided that my business is my soul mate, like any other soul mate would be, and BOY did that change everything. It changed the way I was approaching and thinking about it completely.
What this was, in actuality of course, was a pivotal moment DECISION that my dream business and life is meant for me and is mine, and it is just SO. And my falling in love with that vision was on purpose and it was based on a deep already existing knowing that I had within me, the soul of this business and my soul are intertwined and I have chosen it, the same way I chose my beloved Kenny, from a deep knowing that defies explanation.
And just like with human soul mates, whether you believe you have one or many of them over the course of your life, in all kinds of different relational forms by the way (pets, friends, siblings, etc), some people will believe it’s a fairytale, that it’s not real, that you’ve chosen the things you’ve chosen based on some dysfunction or something (as is a popular view these days thanks to pop psychology).
But that is only ONE layer of the picture at BEST, there are many many MANY layers beneath that, that the mind cannot begin to comprehend, and it doesn’t need to in order to be in awe of it and receive its many gifts.
When I know my business is my soul mate I bring a whole other aspect of myself to the relationship…
I bring the part of me that knows what it is to be in a relationship with something you feel that much love and unspeakable connection with… the part that knows that sometimes it can be hard, sometimes there is misunderstandings and hurt and pain that you have to wade through together, sometimes you go to dark places, sometimes you feel miles away from eachother and fear you’ll never return, but you always come back out into even more lightness of being and love than before.
When I know my business is my soul mate I bring the part of me that knows that when you are in such muddy moments, those impossible moments where you think you’ll never feel good or be in connection again, you just reach below the external surface of the situation and you feel for the root of your love and your knowing and let it hold you through the storm… and because you did, and because that is what you CHOSE, you come out the other side with more love and joy than you previously allowed yourself to imagine.
When I know my business is my soul mate, I do not let any temporary external turbulence shake me from my deep knowing and from my choice. So long as it IS still my choice (because you can choose something else at any time, just like you can with human soul mates, you are always free to do so). But I am not so easily pushed around in the flotsam and fray of what is happening in my business or world, and I am able to more deeply access trust in my vision and why that is important to me, and why it is worth all of the energy and love I pour into it.
Because I KNOW with every fiber of my being that that love is poured right back into me. And that pouring it out as I do is my privilege and my deep desire for myself in this lifetime.
Being soul mates doesn’t mean you are destined, it just means you know eachother and have chosen eachother on some level, now and/or many times before in different forms, and being soul mates also does not mean you do not have a choice, or are precluded from that choice, because as we all know we are always free to choose, and choose again.
I do not have a perfect relationship. I am not a perfect person. I do not have a perfect business. Nor a perfect life. And I do not need any of that in order to have an utterly beautiful and breath-taking existence and life in all its assorted flavors, including business flavor. lol
I share all this to ask you… what would change and how would you approach your business differently if you considered it your soul mate? Something that you knew was yours the minute you ‘saw it’, and that the realities and intricacies and beauties of that business will continue to reveal themselves to you just as the realities of a human or fur-baby soul mate would… and that your love would only deepen by your willingness to walk through the discomforts and fears that will inevitably arise in the duration of your relationship?
What if it was not something you were “trying for” but something that you know just IS. Would it help you to relax in those moments where things are frustrating and/or uncomfortable or embarrassing or silent or scary? Would it help you ALLOW YOURSELF to access that deeper trust in your business and work that you already DO allow yourself to carry in other ways?
And if it would, and you would like to deepen in that love of your business and feel the nourishing returns of that knowing and trust that you have together, I invite you to The Estuary which begins this coming Monday August 5th.You can do it self-led style or you can opt for the additional 1-1 support upgrade as you move through the prompts and questions »
I so look forward to meeting you there, and discovering more of your soul-mate business that will nourish and support you in the most delicious ways for the rest of your days. 💞✨
Feel free to reach out with questions if you have them and I’ll see those of you who are joining on Monday!
P.S. !! If you did not catch my ✨ 💛 NEW Stability & Plenty talk/workshop drop in the shop the other day I highly recommend taking this as a warm-up and appetizer to The Estuary! 💛 ✨ It will be a super powerful yummy combo. It is a one hour listen/watch all about the creation and stabilization of MORE THAN ENOUGH.