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You can only have as much love and power as you’ll allow yourself to have. And when you have parts of yourself banished to the shadow realm, there are pieces of your power that are inaccessible to you…
but only because you decided they were.
When you go into the darkness to reclaim them, to shine your light of love where it has previously dared not go… those parts click back into their rightful place, and become the very fullness of your power.
Your power to create.
Your inner pains are the places you’ve disconnected from that love and power, and they are an opportunity to reconnect with it, and to merge with the most joyful and expansive version of you.
It’s not that you need to go hunting for such things, but when they are up in your face going “boo!” it’s time to meet them, that’s all. Not because someone is trying to teach you something, or ‘wake you up’, but because YOU want to live more in love.
It’s what you’ve asked for. It’s what you’re always asking for, even as you’re asking for more kindness, respect, money, success, support, approval etc.
Because when you have those things you’ll get to feel in love with life again, and that’s what you came here to love—your life.
But when you go to love parts of yourself you have not been allowed to be seen and loved in the past, it feels excruciating! It can feel dark and scary and it feels the opposite of inspiring. Because the inspiration is what gives you the courage to GO THERE. And to stay with yourself through the waves.
This week in Reclamation Of Fire we’re talking about prioritization of self and movement and what stops us from moving and stops us from prioritizing ourselves and what we value most. It takes a lot of courage to be with the feelings we’d rather not feel, and see the things we’d rather not see, like fear and rejection and disappointment and embarrassment and shame… but being with them, gives them wings.
Wings to fly and to move and to become new and different things.
So if you are in such a dance with your own shadows right now at this time of year, as many of us are, know that any cringe-i-ness that you feel is going to expand exponentially into new levels of love and trust with yourself and life/god/universe/source. Every time!
And that is what you’re likely wanting most, and what you’re ready for. And that love and trust turns into every right action and next step you next need for the life and/or business of your dreams.
It’s not that you NEED pain to expand into love and joy, it’s just that it’s letting you know where you’re currently not letting love and joy in. And asking you if you wanna do it different now in that place. Then, once that power is reclaimed, you can connect to love and joy directly, with no hill to climb before you do. ❤️
And if you’d like some help with that, you can explore all of my creations and just see what resonates with you most right here » and I’m still very excited about Reclamation of Fire this month and also Moth & Moon for this powerful transition and transformational time of year of Fall here in the northern hemisphere and Spring in the southern hemisphere and both of those works will be especially impactful at this time.
Okay, see you next week sweet pea’s.