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I’ve heard this brought up a lot lately, and the short answer is: to me it does.
Changing the way I thought about money and changing my relationship with money COMPLETELY changed my life. And completely changed my money. It seems almost silly to me to ask this question, honestly, it would be like asking if how you think about your partner or child matters. Of course it freaking matters! 😆 lol, it means EVERYTHING to how you see them, feel about them, receive them, and interact with them.
Or it would be like asking if how you think about god/universe matters… of course it matters. It means everything to how you experience that relationship and your life. The stories we tell ourselves are SO SOOOO powerful. Period. The power of our stories continually blows my mind. Just astonishes me honestly. They are everything when it comes to the way we experience our lives and ourselves. EVERYTHING.
I cannot overstate that. It’s our entire lens which creates our entire state of being and feeling.
So yes, to me, money mindset matters. SO MUCH. It could literally be the difference between happiness and misery with something that is a huge and major part of your daily life and this world.
But here’s the thing, obviously you do not have to have a better or good relationship with money to create and amass a lot of money, or to be successful with money, there are extremely wealthy people who have a totally fear based and stress based, lack based relationship with money still, no matter how much they have.
And also, you do not have to have a good relationship with money to find happiness or fulfillment in life, people do that too in other ways, without changing their relationship with money, all the time.
So money mindset, to me, is simply about how you choose to RELATE to money, because you’re already in a relationship with it, if you live in this time and in this world, there’s no doubt about that… so money mindset is really actually just a process of CHOOSING WHAT KIND OF RELATIONSHIP that is going to be, and cultivating it.
That relationship and type of relationship is going to be different and have a different flavor for all kinds of different types of people. Just as our human relationships are. But money mindset is that process of just deciding what kind of relationship you want, how you want to feel with money, and then actively cultivating that. Just like you would in a human relationship.
For some people that will result in more money, because it reveals more of what they truly want and that is part of their passion and desires for their lifetime. For some people that will result in just more peace with money, and the amount they have, more gratitude for it, and more ease and freedom from worry. For some people it will result in something different.
This will vary from person to person depending on who they are and what their core desires are for their life.
For those that value a quiet simple pleasures kind of life, they will find peace with money and let money support that more easily. And for those that have big dreams for their own quality of life and have drive to make a bigger impact through their work, they will create more money for both of those things more easily and with less resistance.
I personally am an equal combination of those things, I love my sweet, simple, quiet life AND I have big dreams for myself and the difference I want to make in people’s lives for the better, and so my work on my money mindset has resulted in peace with the money I have (even when I had very little), and the ability to access peace with money, no matter what fears might come up, and also the creation of more and more money and resources to support all of the things I want to do and support in this world.
What money mindset is NOT going to do is get you to face and move through your potentially big fears about doing the things you really want to do once you DO come to terms with what you really want in your lifetime. But it IS going to help you see money as your supporter and your fan on the way, as your confidant and partner who wants to support your life no matter what, if that’s your choice, and that is an invaluable perception to have. Like I said, for me, that perception has been utterly life changing.
And what money mindset is also NOT going to do is take the actions you feel you need to take on the way, but it IS going to help you take those actions far more easily because of the trust and inner stability you have cultivated in your relationship with money. And this takes time. It’s like if you decide you want to have a better or different relationship with someone, that decision is the first step, then you have to put it into practice and have experiences that deepen that choice until it is REAL in front of your eyes.
So be patient with yourself in your changing of your mind about money. It’s a process. But it will absolutely change your life for the better, if that is what you want.
I just wanted to talk about this today because I have heard quite a few people who have done their money mindset work, and are now living the result of that work, then try to throw it out as if it doesn’t matter.
And it is so easy to throw out the very gems that have brought you to a place because you’re now on to the next thing, and I am SO GUILTY of that it’s not even funny, lol, 😂🤣 but I don’t want to do that anymore. Everything counts. Everything has its place on the path and fits together in ways we cannot fully understand. Everything gave me something so valuable that I took forward with me, that enabled me to do the next big thing.
We have all been trained in the OPPOSITE ways of viewing money for the better part of our lives, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or more years in viewing money as a threat, and an enemy, as something scarce and always will be scarce, something bad, evil, wrong, all important, not important, etc. etc. etc…
So yah, taking the time to cultivate a view of money as just another aspect/part of life that supports and nurtures you unconditionally, is an investment that is worth incalculable returns, not just in terms of money, but in terms of your entire quality of being, and quality of living, and quality of life, in ways that don’t have anything to do with money! Just because of the worry and stress that so many people carry about money.
So that’s all I have to say about that. (I always think of Forest Gump when I say that, lol) 😂
And if you do want to explore and nurture your relationship with money, my best creations for that are: SunMun’s Money Mindset Monsters, my book Rich In Love, and if you have a lot of spiritual or familial money guilt/shame, my Peaceful Prosperity course.