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Yes, the world is changing. It’s always changing but you’re probably feeling it big right now. Just how much, and how fast, things are changing all the time. Perhaps you’re really excited about this, or really frightened, or both.
Perhaps you’re asking yourself questions like: Will my industry collapse? Will I have enough money? Will my business/job be okay? Will my family be okay? Will I be okay? Will the economy collapse? Will everything that I once counted on vaporize into thin air? Perhaps you are noticing more and more saturation in your market, more and more people doing exactly the thing you do or want to do, or replacing it all together. And you can’t take your eye off it…
And here’s the thing: nobody knows what will happen, no matter what they tell you, nobody knows exactly what will happen, but ALL OF YOUR POWER IS NOW.
Not 6 months ago or 6 years ago or 6 minutes ago and not 6 days from now or 6 weeks from now or 6 years from now. It’s right here, right now, SAFE IN YOU.
It ✨ IS ✨YOU.
And you know this of course, that’s why you’re here reading this, you are a creator and you’re aware (or at least heavily entertaining the idea) that you have power in your life and want to use it to create your life intentionally.
And you’ve likely noticed that the places you feel powerless and the things you have felt powerless with the most are getting dialed up a lot right now within you. Things like money, security, safety, success, other people, the state of the world, or whatever it is for you.
And the brilliant part about that is it’s a chance to reclaim your power from those places, because it’s so easy to give our power away when it’s working for us! When our power is outside of us and it’s working for us, it’s fiiiiiine.😂
When it STOPS working for us that’s when it suddenly becomes REAL important that we have that back. 😅 I laugh with so much compassion here, because it helps me to laugh at the things that scare me and feel realer than love, it reminds me that they’re not the monsters I think they are.
We don’t have power OVER things, (though people do try that, but my guess is if you’re here you’re not interested in that), we only have power WITHIN, meaning our power is in our choices, our aims, the story we’re telling ourselves and others about things, our intentions, and our RESPONSES/reactions to external events. Because that creates what we do next and that creates our life.
So we can only work with THAT power, and who we’re going to BE with that power.
But it’s really scary to take back that power because it means you have to take responsibility for stuff that you used to be able to easily just blame someone or something else for, and it can feel like too much to hold that power, to be looking to yourself for all of that.
When I first started taking back my power 17 years ago, I remember someone remarking to me that I always blame myself for everything, and she misunderstood me, because I was not blaming myself for things, I was taking responsibility for things within me that I saw reflected back instead of blaming others, that’s all. And there’s a difference.
I was no longer willing to give my power to them and feel helpless to them, so I gladly took responsibility to change that situation or feeling in me from the inside out, because I can DO something with that! I can’t do anything with someone else’s choices or reality, or with impossible to control external things outside me. But I can change my view, my response, my story and my choices, and THAT is what changes my life. Every time.
However my own personal secret ingredient to that, is that I don’t take the world onto my PERSONAL shoulder’s, I just take responsibility for my inner state and my thinking and what I speak into the world (like it’s a spell cast over my life, because it is to me) and I leave the rest to god/life/love/universe/source. I trust I will know the right next thing to do, to try, to read, to listen to, to understand, to hear, to say, etc. when it’s time.
I trust I’ll be shown the way and supported at every step. I LOOK for that. I look for the support at every step, that’s how I find it. ❤️ 💕
If nothing seems to immediately appear when I’m looking for that, I start small… I’m breathing. WOW. That’s some major support. My heart’s beating. Supported! There’s the ground under my feet and gravity holding me firm (support). There’s air, there’s water, there’s food, there’s shelter, there’s… the list goes on and on. And not only does it go on, it builds, and it builds on itself, and it reveals new things to be grateful for, and it CREATES new things to be grateful for.
It might seem really lame to count the support of all those things I just listed, but I do, and they snowball. They’re there whether I appreciate them or not, it’s just that my life gets to be sweeter when I do notice them. And somedays I am lost in hurt and I don’t want to look at those things, I don’t want to see anything that is supporting me, I just want to see how I’m not supported, or not getting what I want on those days.
And that’s okay, those are harder days, where I am fixated on what’s lacking and not working, and on those days I trust that I am also getting what I need, like maybe more clarity on what would be better for me, like processing unresolved grief, or just my mind finding a clever way to hold me up because the truth is I’m not really ready for what I say I want and am ready for. And I need to blame it on externals to take the heat off me for awhile. 😂 But I always come back, just as soon as I can, because I can’t live in that state. It just gets less and less tolerable all the time, as a matter of fact to live in that state.
There will always be those tensions though, those challenges and things we are pining for. It’s part of our time and life here, it gives us a whole storyline to live.
So if you have noticed the tensions rising in certain areas of your life it’s just because that’s where you’re READY to own more of your power, that’s all, it wouldn’t be showing up that way if you weren’t ready for that.
And if you are asking yourself any of the questions that I mentioned in the beginning of this post, then you’re ready to stabilize yourself in deeper and more far reaching ways, by stabilizing yourself and your power.
I am SOOOOO excited about the reclaiming of your power from the places you’ve given it away because it is so juicy to feel that energy come back into your system and set your heart and soul alight!
I am super passionate about looking at the places we are just kind of hanging out ‘waiting to see’, looking at the places we are placing blame, and the places we feel HAVE to be and always will be ‘just hard’ or lacking, because these are the places that absolute MAGIC lives and is hiding from you in PLAIN SIGHT! ✨
It fires me up to do this work and to see that reclamation in others, and it’s what Reclamation Of Fire is all about that, and if you haven’t joined yet, you can do so right here. You will get 2 emails per week for 6 weeks, each containing a 20-30 min audio set to beautiful and inspiring dragon artistry.
Or feel free to peruse in my curio cabinet of creations and also feel free to reach out or reply to this email and ask me for suggestions on what would be best for where you’re at right now. ❤️ 💕
See you next week sweet pea’s.