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One of the biggest and most harmful misconceptions about the art of conscious creation (manifestation) is that you need to ‘stay positive’ all the time and/or lie to yourself basically, or trick yourself about what you see or feel. There may be some who teach it that way, but that is NOT how it works at all, and that is certainly not my belief or the way I teach it anyway, because you simply cannot create ANYTHING at all without beginning on a foundation of ACCEPTANCE for who, how, and where you are NOW.
Conscious creation is about choosing something different than the ‘norm’ or the automatic expectation or reaction that you might normally have, but you cannot do that without the very first foundational step of present moment awareness and acceptance. Seeing and accepting things exactly as they are, and THEN choosing an aim that you can connect to and want to create instead, and then staying with yourself through the bumps along the way until that new creation is realized AND acclimatized!
People forget about that step, but the acclimation process to new or different identities and realities is like an airplane taking flight, as it moves through the different temperatures and elevations and pockets of air, it is going to experience turbulence before it smoothes out.
If you attempt to build your dreams and aims on lies you’re telling to yourself it’s going to keep crumbling out from under you, that’s why it’s so important to work with what you have (in all the ways that appears) from where you are now, and make those aims something that you can anchor into, and you can always anchor into the truth of how you feel and where you are now and build from there.
And you will notice that it is deeply relaxing to admit that (perhaps after some initial sadness or anger that you allow to move through and cry or yell out), to accept yourself and that point you’re at on your path, and then from THERE choose where you’re headed. And choose things that match your aim in any way, even if it seems small. Because as every investor of energy, time or resources knows… what you invest compounds over time.
The acceptance is the neutralization, and the neutralization is the BALANCE. And the balance is where all sturdy and relatively stable new dreams are built. Balance to me does not mean not experiencing waves or highs and lows, balance to me means the INCLUSION of and acceptance of both ends of the spectrum of life, high/low, good/bad/, right/wrong, win/lose, happy/sad, etc. etc. Because when you have that, you don’t have to run. And it’s relaxing not to have to run. It’s a wide open spaciousness that is usually what you’re actually looking for.
Prior to that you will be using massive amounts of energy to run or to avoid ends of the spectrum you don’t want to ever experience, which means you have a FRACTION of the energy available to use for the things you actually want to create. Because it’s all getting put into avoidance. But when you start with acceptance, that is a sturdy foundation that opens up your field and energizes your aims twice as much.
So all this to say, if you’re feeling all kinds of ways you don’t want to feel right now, and experiencing all kinds of opposite results that you want to experience… breathe deep… and just accept that this is where you are in this moment, and it’s okay. It’s all anyone who ever created any amazing thing began with… from where they were, with what they had available to them, mentally, physically, emotionally, monetarily and otherwise. And yes that’s not the same for everyone, obviously, but it’s all anyone ever had and it’s all over the map in terms of where people started and what they created.
So you don’t have to know HOW you’re going to get there, it’s enough for you to decide that you are moving in that direction and then just relax into the current reality so that you can open your field of awareness and then you can see anything that lights up as your next stop along the path.
It can help at this stage to remember that once that illusive thing is finally your reality you’ll just be on to the next goal or aim, so don’t get too caught in some feeling that it is going to complete you, because it isn’t, it’s just this next game you’re playing, this next quest you’re on, one of many hundreds, thousands or millions left to come (if you consider the infinite nature of your being).
Now some people might think that realization is deflating or a deterrent to going after things in life, like you should just sit on a stump and be at peace, and if that is your aim/dream you certainly can! 😉 (see what I did there?) lol That’s still an aim, it’s still a dream to sit on a stump and be at peace. 😂 BEING is a beautiful state, a necessary and vital foundation to the enjoyment of life, but BECOMING is also that, just as much, they are two halves of a whole. Just like you.
Humans tend to set up camps in one or the other, BEING camp or BECOMING camp, and live primarily in one or the other, but it’s always both. We’re always doing both. And sometimes we just need to expand our capacity for one or the other more, so we’ll visit that camp more. Too much time in becoming and you’ll need some being, too much time in being and you’ll need some becoming, it’s a dance. And it’s all fine.
And if you’re experiencing major change and transformation right now in your business and life and want some guiding light, I invite you to The Estuary: Flowing Into Your Greater Body Of Work, it is something that will help you navigate these changing tides of the times and of yourself and your businesses future in a way that feels more aligned with who you are.
I also suggest Moth & Moon my guided oracle journey that is all about conscious creation from a foundation of acceptance and love for who you are and where you are now.
Other things that will assist in the creation of this balance: The Art Of Expansion workshop, and my Stability & Plenty workshop.
What could be more delicious than getting to know yourself and your dreams that much more? For me personally, there’s nothing in the world more satisfying. ❤️ And I know if you’re here you’re someone who is as excited about that as I am.
Happy deep diving sweet pea’s! 👇