March 21, 2021

Dearest Beloved


Dearest Beloved,



I just want you to know, that wherever you are right now, and whatever you’re doing, it’s enough.



And you are enough. Exactly as you are, right this very minute.



Whatever you’re moving through, figuring out, or reaching for… you’re doing beautifully, and perfectly, and you’re right on time.



And it’s not just enough, it’s everything. And you’re not just enough, you’re everything. And you are held and assisted at every moment by an invisible grace that goes by the thousand names.



You are so loved and treasured by this universe, and it is cheering you on and bowing at your feet in awe every second of the day.



Your dreams are more precious to this world and its evolution than you could ever dare to imagine.



So don’t give up. Keep going. Don’t you ever let that glimmer in your wild heart die.



Not that it could.



For yours is a candle that doesn’t go out. It warms the windows of eternity and welcomes weary travelers through countless open doors.



Yes, you. You who does that thing you do.



Don’t ever underestimate your place, precious star. You are life’s love letter, written to itself from out of darkness long ago…



sparkling in the bedrock of this earth, changing everything for evermore…just by having been yourself.


