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So maybe you’re wondering what’s the right way forward, or what will work now when it comes to your business, creative career, work or craft. Maybe you’re surveying all the options and wondering why the things that were working aren’t working anymore like they used to, why your results are not the same, and what is going to happen moving forward.
Maybe you’re afraid and uncertain. Maybe you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks or works now. If this is you, I come bearing a gift. And that gift, my dear, is YOU.
What is the ONE thing that is consistently there in EVERYTHING that you’ve EVER DONE that “worked”? What is the ONE thing that’s ALWAYS there? What is the one thing that is there in the hard times, and the amazing times, and the wins and the losses and the highs and lows?
There have been different recipes and strategies and methods all along the way of your life. Different actions, different things you tried and did, inside and out, and many of them have “worked” for you, many of them led to big wins, or little wins, and what was the common denominator between them??
You were the thing that made all of those things “work”, with your simple decision that this was gonna work, because this is simply what you WANTED TO DO. It’s what you really wanted to do. And so the ways became apparent.
And it was because you made that decision that the right means to make it work for you, showed up for you, in that space. Because your decision opened the portal, and then everything you needed came through. You are the one constant through all of the varied results, because you are the power that makes your life and/or business what it is.
And I KNOW you know this, but I also know you need the reminder! Because I always need it too. 😂
And the reason I want you to hear that is so that you can take some of the pressure off of “Am I doing it right, am I doing the right things to get me forward? Am I doing the wrong things? Am I taking myself off track?!” that takes so much of your energy, and I tell you this so you can put that energy that you had bound up in that pressure into: “I am moving forward.” period.
Feel the difference? Feel that difference in your body? That is such a different place, because that’s your power. That’s you in your decision, rather than trying to figure out what’s right or wrong when there is no such thing, there’s just your decision and then everything that happens in your life gets transmuted into that decision.
So if you have begun to doubt yourself, what you’re doing, or the future of your work, that is normal and okay and human so give yourself compassion for that – AND – you are GOING to continue to thrive, and you are going to see those vistas you want to see, because that is just WHO YOU ARE. It’s just who you are and what you do.
So any potholes on the road are just an opportunity to slow down, and re-assess what you’re wanting moving forward, to refine, and/or to to re-commit and double down on your belief in yourself and your deep trust in life.
Because that’s what you’re really wanting more than anything, that feeling of being deeply held and free, all at once.
The right ‘ways’ and ‘means’ and ‘hows’ will all appear as you continue to decide that THIS IS HAPPENING.
One trick that I personally have used to allow my body to say this without the fear that I might be wrong or lying to myself is that this IS HAPPENING for me no matter WHAT happens (life or death). Because, I know my eternal nature. And so I know that more joy and more life and more abundance, is always, always, always on the way. Even when appearances would say otherwise.
And as I have allowed myself such grace, to say that, and to know that, and to lean on that, and to lean into that, and to fall into that and be held in that, I have continued to experience it more and more and more in the physical world too. Those stunning vistas on the other side of those dark valleys. Those beautiful open doors where you thought they’d always be shut.
You’re the secret sauce sweet pea. You. And you will continue to call to you all that you need and desire in your souls journey.
Face it… you LIVE for that leap and that fall in love’s embrace. So you can know and feel that deep unnameable knowing, that none of us could ever fully speak.
😉 🥹 ❤️💕
And if you need help with that: the doors to The Estuary: Flowing Into Your Greater Body Of Work 🌀 my brand new 3 week portal pop-up experience close tomorrow because we begin tomorrow! You can read more about that and join right here » Or if you’re in need of a refresher on your power and magic, grab The Art of Expansion for just $47 right here 👉 The Art Of Expansion: Reality Creation Basics For Magical Beings » 🐯 ✨💛 Or explore my little library of offerings below 👇